- It doesn't just affect that woman. It affects everyone around them. Every friend, family member, and loved one. It could be someone close to me or you.
- The process they must go through is horrifying and terribly painful. Not only is there a fear of death and loss, but even what is supposed to make them better is wreaking havoc on the body. The stories I've heard are nothing I want someone close to me going through.
- Because without something 1 in 8 women will continued to be diagnosed, and that's way too many.
- I'll attempt to say this delicately, and I mean it in the best of ways. Women are made beautiful just the way they are, and I appreciate it deeply. (nicest way I could say it. If anyone is offended than you are lying to yourself cause you know it's true.)
- The number one reason: My brother's significant is on a mission. A mission inspired by her loved ones that were diagnosed with breast cancer and she's going to raise $2,300 for research.
This is Sonja
For those of you that have the money this is a good deal. You can truly help not just one person but many. I encourage you all to pass the word, forward this link to your friends and family. I live by having reasons for everything I do so here's a few reasons to donate.
This is the link to Sonja's personal page. Give her some props.
- Girls, you have all the reasons in the world to donate. You have a Mom, Grandma, possibly daughters and that's enough of a reason
Sonja and her daughter Hannah
- Guys: You all have a mother.
- Girls: Those things do serve anatomical significance and function.
- Guys: I know you appreciate the female form. If nothing else. donate to prevent breast cancer from taking this away.
- On Sept. 11th, 2009 bunches of people are going to feel strongly enough to walk for 3 days straight and work their butts off to raise money for this.
- The last reason is not a reason because I really don't think any of you actually need me for that part. You can come up with your own.
Here's the link again. Help a girl out.
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