This type of training gives tremendous health and corrective benefits but it also gives that leaned out, strong and very natural look to the trainees. Not the poor posture, no shoulders and no butt workout 'fanatics' that you regularly see at your training facility, whom have no idea what they are doing except to just keep going. (I really wish they'd take half that effort and put it towards studying from some actually good resources.) It's pretty simple really, our trainees look like true athletes.
It's mother's day so here you go, a couple mom's that get after it in the best of ways.
Taken after a grueling workout worth a memory solidified in digital imagery. From left to right your's truely, Julia, Janet, Heather, Donna.
From left to right: Julia, Janet, Donna, Heather. By the way that's my mom holding the very respectable 24kg, of which she uses regularly. Pretty good for +50.
Happy Mother's Day
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